" I apologise for waiting to tell you for so long.. I am not human . I am made of bacon, fairytales, pixie dust .. I dont feel. "
Basically all items are either thrifted, passed down or borrowed.
" I apologise for waiting to tell you for so long.. I am not human . I am made of bacon, fairytales, pixie dust .. I dont feel. "
Basically all items are either thrifted, passed down or borrowed.
So last week I was dubbed a "black hippie" by a friend. He deduced this or rather came to the conclusion from the contents of my blog and mind ( which he now and again enjoys picking and vice versa - bless you sweet Theodore! ) .
My first reaction to this was to be offended honestly. My cliche argument being why BLACK hippie and not just hippie ? Since when is eccentricity a colour ? Why class me according to my race ? You know what i mean ?
Truthfully im not even too joyous about the classification of hippie. Because today being classified "a hippie" is more of a fashion compliment than an appreciation/recognition for your serene outlook on life or your immense love for everything beautiful or even your strong belief in right and wrong , moral and immoral and your willing-ness to fight for that notion.
I am far from hippie. I lust for immorality more than I strive for morality . There's always something that feels right when doing something wrong. I have far too many perspectives on life and all its shenanigans to be a do gooder. So even though my dear friend passed me the compliment ( in his arguement I understood why it was a compliment and thanked him regardless ) , I think I will pass on the "black hippie" title . I see no colour and I could never be classified.
So a couple of weeks ago I woke up wanting to be a ninja . See that's an occupation rather than a classification - fictional or not ! Anyway .. I felt like channeling Left Eye from TLC (may her soul rest in peace) and MichealAngelo .. because teenage mutant ninja turtles duh ! These two will always be the sheeez nacks to me . Left Eye when she'd spit those "i feeeeel you guurl!" type verses (Waterfalls x TLC) and MA for making me wish I could kick bad guy butt .
So I doned the faux beauty spot and badly done signiture Left Eye patch by .. Left Eye. There was equally badly done make-up but hey who gives ? Im not one for the face paint anyway. The end result was my interpretation of a ninja .. A Thando ninja , Love Ninja . Ha.
Bless you for finding my ramblings interesting enough to read through .