Hi it's Luthando
I'm not really sure how to start this blog post in a way that'll entice you to keep scrolling down and reading but I'll try the cliché "life and it's relatable shenanigans has me down" route. In usual 17-year old cases, I'd be expected to look to those quote pictures for emancipation but alas they cure not the growing pains (which is what I've ignorantly diagnosed myself with).
I have been feeling jaded as of late. It's disgusting, almost as revolting as being dependant on anything/anyone besides yourself. I don't like routine. I really dislike it and ironically at this stage, my entire life is based on routine. I am a creative. But my creativity is confined and restricted by expectations placed on me and clouded by disappointments I'm always having to "get over" .
Anyway the just of this is to just sit back and reflect on what's preventing you from BEING GREAT. EMANCIPATE YOURSELF FROM MENTAL SLAVERY as Bob Marly once sung.
P.s I apologise for the long absence, school is hectic.