1 January 2015

Transition // 2015 , let's dala

2015 shall be the year that I , as they say, "dala what I must" ! Entering my final year of high school and turning 18 in a couple of months, I am definitely anxious. I plan to conquer all my fears and push all my ambitious.

I honestly feel I have been too timid when it comes to my blog which lead to it not setting  off the way I had planned to. With a blogging community that is rapidly growing and bloggers slowly being taken more seriously, it is difficult producing content that sets me apart from the rest of the blogs. This is not just a fashion or an "anything else specific" blog . My aim is to look at the art, beauty and expression in every hook and crane . From fashion and music all the way to art direction, photography and art. I aim to discover the authenticity and show that art knows no boundaries. This year I plan to perfect and emphasize this more loudly in my blog.

My New Years Resolutions :
1. Eat healthier (I won't say lose weight coz that's just .. yeah whatever)
2. Read more books .. a lot more books. I     seem to have neglected this past time which saddens me because I love reading SO much. It's vital.
3. Blog more often! Even through the madness of Matric, I swear I will.
4. Pray and strengthen my relationship with God. I can't do this on my own.
5. Stay focused . I'm so easly distracted by life's mishaps because I'm too darn emotional. I want to be able to embrace my inner emotional creature but keep my head screwed on at the same time.
6. Get my learners and drivers license. Seriously.

Such an odd number to end off at but yes. This is the first post for 2015 and there is so much more to come.
But for now, bless x

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